I ran a meta-analysis using robust variance estimation. To display the forest plot, I used the metan command (Stata 17.0).
I would like to override the pooled effect on the plot produced using metan with the actual pooled estimate and confidence interval from my RVE analysis.
Unfortunately, I have some troubles doing this and could not find the information in the metan help file.
This is the code:
foreach var of varlist emo_phy_violence_fifty {
robumeta cohensd if `var'==1, variance(cohensd_var) study(studyid) weighttype(random) rho(0.8)
dis e(QE)
sort author year measure
metan cohensd cohensd_sd if `var'==1, nowt nobox nohet nokeep notable lcols(author year measure int_post_n ctrl_post_n) texts(105) astext(60)
graph export `var'.pdf, as(pdf) replace
The RVE produced pooled estimate that I want to display in the forest plot is d = -0.46, and the CI: -0.60, -0.33
I would be most grateful for your help

Thank you!
All the best,
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