Why do the commands table and table twoway with the option markvar(newvar)create the error "__000001 not found r(111);"? The error occurs in Stata/MP 18.0 for Windows (64-bit x86-64) and also in Stata/MP 17.0 on the same platform.

. use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r18/nhanes2l, clear
(Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey)

. table sex, markvar(mynewvar)

         |  Frequency
Sex      |           
  Male   |      4,915
  Female |      5,436
  Total  |     10,351
__000001 not found

. noisily table sex diabetes, markvar(mynewvar2)

         |           Diabetes status        
         |  Not diabetic   Diabetic    Total
Sex      |                                  
  Male   |         4,698        217    4,915
  Female |         5,152        282    5,434
  Total  |         9,850        499   10,349
__000001 not found

. tab mynewvar mynewvar2, missing

           |       mynewvar2
  mynewvar |         0          1 |     Total
         1 |         2     10,349 |    10,351 
     Total |         2     10,349 |    10,351
The Stata 18 help files say:
markvar(newvar) generates an indicator variable that identifies the observations used in the tabulation

Yes, the table and table twoway option markvar(newvar) does what the help files say but why does it also create an error? It is possibly my user error (despite being a long-time user-programmer),