I'm struggling to come up with a solution for finding if each observation in variable 1 matches ANY of the specified observations in v2.I'm trying to narrow the data to focus on passengers that have arrived on-time at least one time in the data. That way I can look at those passengers' data, even for points when they weren't on time.
I'm trying to pass a numlist to anymatch of the names of the ID's of the passengers that have arrived on time at least one time but I'm getting an error.
"values() invalid -- invalid numlist"

This is my code:

g on_time= passengers if timely==1; // limiting to timely arrivals.
levelsof on_time;
g on_time_levels= r(levels); //unique numlist of passengers with timely arrivals (unsure of this)
g on_time_ever=.;
forvalues i =1/6939 {;
egen tempvariable = anymatch(passengers) if _n==`i',values(on_time_levels);
replace on_time_ever=tempvariable if _n==`i';
drop tempvariable;

I am unsure if the levels var I generated is really a numlist. How else can I get a numlist from this variable so I can pass it to anymatch? Or am I just going about this completely wrong?