Dear all,
I searched for the forum for a solution to my problem and tried some fixes already, the issue is still there.
I use Stata 16 and model my data with Weibull survival for dyads a-b. My keep independent variables are two dummies: dummy1 and dummy2.

I generate my main regression results with the following command:
streg i.dummy1##i.dummy2, d(weibull) coeflegend
and run
margins i.dummy1##i.dummy2 after that.

I am interested in comparing the coefficients of the interaction (for combinations such as dummy1= 0 and dummy2=1 and vice versa).

After typing in:

. version 15: lincom 0.dummy1#.dummy2 - 0.dummy1#0.dummy

The outputs is as follows:

( 1) - [_t]0b.dummy1#0b.dummy2 + [_t]0b.dummy1#1o.dummy2 = 0

_t | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
(1) | 0 (omitted)

I checked and it does not work for the Stata v.16 neither.

I would appreciate your help in solving the issue.