Hi All,

I am looking to understand at what number of kids or distribution does a household member go out to work as opposed to devoting time to child care at home. I have variables on labor market outcomes and total number of children in a household.
I used -xtile- to calculate quantile categories 2,3,4,5,6,7 etc for quantiles of children using the following code

 forval i = 2(1)7{
 xtile quantchild`i' = tot_child_born, nq(`i')
This naturally creates quantchild2, quantchild3...with corresponding quantiles of children and households within each quantile. Now I want to look at what point does a woman get out of the house to work to cater to financial need of having x number of children. Would it make sense then to just run a regression with factor notation for quantchild`i'?
For example running the following regression:

 forval i = 2(1)7{
 reg paidwork i.quantchild`i' $controls
This should give me a coefficient for indicators at each level of the distribution no? Implying at each indicator I either get a positive or negative coefficient relating to the point where financial need of the household trades off for childcare needs. I am uncertain if this is the right method, i.e. using -xtile- and -reg- to get at the problem I am describing.

Thanks a lot