Dear all,

I am currently working with a country-level religion adherence dataset which looks as follows:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str34 country double(CATH00 PROT00 OTHCHRIST00 ORTH00 JEWS00 MUSLIM00 HINDU00 BUDDIS00 EASREL00 OTHREL00 NONREL00)
"Afghanistan"                 0    0    0    0    0 .981 .004    0 .001                .014    0
"Albania"                  .168 .006  .02 .161    0 .388    0    0 .002                   0 .256
"Algeria"                  .001    0 .002    0    0 .967    0    0    0                   0  .03
"American Samoa"              .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .                   .    .
"Andorra"                  .892 .002 .041    0 .003 .006 .005    0 .001                   0  .05
"Angola"                   .621  .15 .169    0    0    0    0    0    0                .051 .009
"Antigua and Barbuda"      .115 .642 .177    0    0 .004 .001    0 .009                .038 .014
"Argentina"                 .85 .034 .048 .002 .013  .02    0 .001 .001                   0 .031
"Armenia"                  .046 .003 .009 .782    0 .027    0    0    0                   0 .133
"Aruba"                       .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .                   .    .
"Australia"                 .26 .322 .178 .034 .005 .012 .003 .013 .007  .00399999999999998 .162
"Austria"                  .755  .05 .073 .019 .001 .022    0 .001 .001  .00199999999999999 .076
"Azerbaijan"               .001    0 .001 .045 .004 .837    0    0    0                   0 .113
"Bahamas, The"             .156 .634 .131 .001 .003    0    0    0 .004                .018 .053
"Bahrain"                  .041 .013 .047 .004 .001 .824 .063 .001 .002                   0 .005
"Bangladesh"               .002 .001    0    0    0 .857 .123 .006    0                 .01 .001
"Barbados"                 .041 .601 .327 .001    0 .008 .003    0 .013 .000999999999999973 .005
"Belarus"                  .132 .013 .071 .487 .006 .003    0    0    0                   0 .289
"Belgium"                  .809 .013 .055 .005 .002 .036    0 .002 .001  .00199999999999992 .075
"Belize"                   .568 .208 .133    0 .011 .006 .023 .004 .029   .0100000000000001 .008
"Benin"                    .208 .038 .034    0    0   .2    0    0 .002                .515 .003
"Bermuda"                  .142 .596 .188    0    0    0    0    0 .005                .029  .04
"Bhutan"                      0 .002 .003    0    0  .01 .205  .74    0                .038 .002
"Bolivia"                   .86 .049 .032    0    0    0    0 .001 .032  .00900000000000001 .017
"Bosnia and Herzegovina"   .172 .001 .001 .176    0   .6    0    0    0                   0  .05
"Botswana"                 .037 .117 .446    0    0 .002 .001    0 .008                .388 .001
"Brazil"                   .742 .093 .082 .001 .002 .001    0 .003    0                .049 .027
"Brunei Darussalam"        .017 .032 .027    0    0 .644 .008 .091 .056                .113 .012
"Bulgaria"                 .011 .012 .073 .716 .001 .119    0    0    0                   0  .07
"Burkina Faso"             .095 .065 .005    0    0 .486    0    0    0                .342 .007
"Burundi"                  .572 .195  .15    0    0 .014 .001    0 .001                .066 .001
"Cambodia"                 .002 .002 .007    0    0 .023 .003 .847 .049                 .04 .027
"Cameroon"                 .265 .207  .07    0    0 .212    0    0 .004                .239 .003
"Canada"                   .391 .156 .207 .017 .013  .01 .019 .008 .027   .0259999999999999 .126
"Cabo Verde"               .894 .018  .02    0    0 .028    0    0 .002                 .03 .008
"Cayman Islands"              .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .                   .    .
"Central African Republic" .184 .144 .351    0    0 .156    0    0 .003                .153 .009
"Chad"                     .066 .102  .06    0    0 .591    0    0 .011                .169 .001
"Channel Islands"             .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .                   .    .
"Chile"                    .674 .017   .2 .001 .002    0    0    0 .001  .00999999999999993 .095
"China"                    .006 .001 .064    0    0 .015    0 .084 .285   .0420000000000001 .503
"Colombia"                 .943 .015 .014    0    0 .001    0    0 .002   .0110000000000001 .014
"Comoros"                   .01 .002 .001    0    0  .98    0    0 .001  .00500000000000001 .001
"Congo, Dem. Rep."         .485 .201 .269    0    0 .011 .002    0 .004                .024 .004
"Congo, Rep."              .493  .17 .249    0    0 .013    0    0 .004                 .05 .021
"Costa Rica"               .872 .058 .036    0 .001    0    0 .001 .015                   0 .017
"Cote d'Ivoire"            .148 .051 .124 .001    0 .301 .001    0 .002                .369 .003
"Croatia"                  .885 .006 .006 .056 .001 .023    0    0    0                   0 .024
"Cuba"                      .39 .017 .027    0    0 .001 .002 .001 .002                 .19  .37
"Cyprus"                   .012 .011  .03 .686    0 .219    0    0 .001  .00199999999999993 .039
"Czech Republic"           .404 .031 .189 .006 .001    0    0    0    0                   0 .369
"Czechoslovakia"              .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .                   .    .
"Denmark"                  .006 .878 .032    0 .001 .013 .001    0    0                   0 .069
"Djibouti"                 .014    0 .001  .03    0 .941    0    0 .001                   0 .013
"Dominica"                 .758 .149 .039    0    0 .002 .002 .001 .018                 .03 .001
"Dominican Republic"       .883  .04 .019    0    0    0    0    0 .002                .031 .025
"Ecuador"                  .931 .016  .03    0    0    0    0 .001 .002  .00499999999999995 .015
"Egypt, Arab Rep."         .003 .008 .003 .136    0 .844    0    0    0                   0 .006
"El Salvador"              .834 .054 .088    0    0    0    0    0 .004  .00400000000000005 .016
"Equatorial Guinea"        .829  .02 .037    0    0 .041 .001    0 .005                .018 .049
"Eritrea"                  .034 .006 .004 .461    0 .447    0    0    0  .00699999999999993 .041
"Estonia"                  .004 .172 .295 .165 .002 .003    0    0    0                   0  .36
"Ethiopia"                 .007 .136 .092 .365    0 .304    0    0    0                .094 .002
"Faroe Islands"               .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .                   .    .
"Fiji"                     .075 .402 .093    0    0 .069 .333    0 .011  .00400000000000002 .013
"Finland"                  .001 .851 .065 .011    0 .002    0 .001    0  .00100000000000001 .068
"France"                    .67 .008 .025 .006  .01 .071 .001 .008 .003  .00199999999999989 .196
"French Polynesia"            .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .                   .    .
"Gabon"                    .575 .172 .161    0    0 .046    0    0 .005   .0310000000000001  .01
"Gambia, The"              .024 .005  .01    0    0 .869    0    0 .008                .078 .006
"Georgia"                  .011 .005 .025 .581 .004 .193    0    0    0  .00100000000000006  .18
"Germany"                  .335 .356 .059 .008 .001 .044 .001 .001    0  .00100000000000008 .194
"Germany, East"               .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .                   .    .
"Germany, West"               .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .                   .    .
"Ghana"                    .095 .178  .28    0    0 .197    0    0 .001                .246 .003
"Greece"                   .004 .001  .02 .921 .001 .033    0    0    0 .000999999999999904 .019
"Greenland"                   .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .                   .    .
"Grenada"                   .56 .355 .057    0    0 .003 .007    0 .002                .011 .005
"Guam"                        .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .                   .    .
"Guatemala"                .774  .09 .113    0    0    0    0    0 .002  .00299999999999998 .018
"Guinea"                   .016 .009 .015    0    0 .673    0    0    0                .284 .003
"Guinea-Bissau"            .105 .005 .017    0    0 .399    0    0    0                .458 .016
"Guyana"                   .101 .285 .114  .01    0 .081 .325 .002  .02                .043 .019
"Haiti"                    .738 .146 .074    0    0    0    0    0 .002                .026 .014
"Honduras"                 .845 .056 .069 .001    0 .001    0 .001 .005                .011 .011
"Hong Kong SAR, China"        .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .                   .    .
"Hungary"                  .609 .236  .02 .008 .005 .006    0    0    0                   0 .116
"Iceland"                   .01 .891  .07    0    0    0 .001    0 .003  .00699999999999997 .018
"India"                    .013 .015 .031 .003    0 .121 .771 .007 .002   .0219999999999999 .015
"Indonesia"                .027 .057 .047    0    0 .547 .033 .009 .014                .245 .021
"Iran, Islamic Rep."          0    0 .002 .003    0 .956 .001    0    0                .035 .003
"Iraq"                     .012    0 .015 .006    0  .96    0    0    0                   0 .007
"Ireland"                  .847 .044  .08    0 .001 .002    0    0    0  .00100000000000002 .025
"Isle of Man"                 .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .                   .    .
"Israel"                   .027 .004 .018 .009 .771  .12    0    0 .003                   0 .048
"Italy"                    .798 .007 .014 .002 .001 .012    0    0 .001                   0 .166
"Jamaica"                  .043 .289 .508 .001    0 .001 .012    0 .006                .101 .039
"Japan"                    .004 .006 .028    0    0 .001    0 .571  .26                   0 .131
"Jordan"                   .007 .003 .012  .02    0 .935    0    0 .003                   0 .021
"Kazakhstan"               .031 .002 .047 .086 .001 .427    0 .001    0  .00299999999999995 .402
Basically, for each country I have adherence fractions of population for 10 religion groups and non-religion (incl. atheists). I would like to generate a variable that displays the predominant religion within each country, thus a variable that takes the highest fraction from these 10 religion groups and labels this religion group the predominant religion. For example, the religion group with the highest fraction in Afghanistan is MUSLIM, so I'd like the newly generated string variable mainreligion to have the value MUSLIM for Afghanistan.

If anyone has an idea on how one could do this, I would greatly appreciate it.

I thank you all for your time.

