Hi all,
I have date of 100 employees per company, for several companies. I would like to perform a GLLAMM regresion where Dependent variable is at company level, independent variables are at employee/individual level, and control variable are at both levels, that is:
- Dependent: Firm innovation level (inn)
- Independent: Employee's productivity (Empprod), Employee creativity (empcrea)
- Controls: Firm financial performance (ROA), firm size (size), Employee tenure (emptenure), employee level of studies (empstud)
All my variables are CONTINOUS, so I performed:
gllamm inn emprod empcrea roa size emptenure empstud, i(company) family(gaussian) link(identity) cluster(company) adapt trace
whereas for adaptative quadrature did converge, not in the case for Newton_Rahpson with the error:
"can't get correct log-likelihood: 138.96404 should be 177.45462
something went wrong in comprob3
Is Gllamm correct for my model, where the dependent variable is at level 2? and furthermore, can someone help me with this error?
thanks so much
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