Dear Statalist,
in my pursuit to asses whether there is multicollinearity in my model or not, I read a lot of articles and opinions here and in other forums. In the literature I could not find critical opinions, but some people in forums say one cannot use the variation inflation factor (vif) in binary logistic regression (blr), some say yes and some even advice not to use the Vif at all. Could some of you elaborate WHY the use of vif in blr is critical and link a source where the issue is mentioned? Because atm I do not really find quotable material on this discussion.
So far the only alternatives I see to check for multicollinearity is bivariate correlation (what is troublesome since I have many different scales of measurement in my analysis) or to look at standard errors, but I cannot really asses where the critical threshold should be.
I am very thankful for any advice!!!
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