Please I would like to perform joint tests of significance in a multinomial logit and include the results in a table using esttab. I have run the following code:

webuse sysdsn1
eststo clear
mlogit insure age nonwhite site male ppd
est store m

forval i = 1/3 {
est res m
margins, dydx(*) predict(outcome(`i')) post
est store m`i'

test site male ppd
estadd scalar test=r(F)

esttab m1 m2 m3, p scalars(pr2) stats(N pr2 test)
I want to test the hypothesis site=male=ppd=0 in each of the three outcomes of the dependent variable (insure) and place the chi2 stat (named `test'), under each equation/outcome like in the table below.

                      (1)             (2)             (3)  
age               0.00116       -0.000928       -0.000228  
                  (0.225)         (0.228)         (0.758)  

nonwhite          -0.0463          0.0236          0.0227  
                  (0.185)         (0.390)         (0.395)  

site               0.0292         -0.0273        -0.00187  
                  (0.089)         (0.055)         (0.886)  

male              -0.0148         -0.0141          0.0289  
                  (0.632)         (0.568)         (0.220)  

ppd                -0.332***        0.355***      -0.0228  
                  (0.000)         (0.000)         (0.163)  
N                     615             615             615  
test                                                   .                                               .  
My code is incorrect. I would appreciate if someone could set me straight on this.