Here's my clumsy way to extract the estimation command, chop off any options on it, process the first part of that command so as to replace any if/in with a "if touse, " and put the options back on the estimation command. The way I've done this works, but seems clumsy, and I think I'd benefit more generally from getting advice about intelligent parsing of syntax. Here's what I have done
// My program has a syntax like this-- MyProg, option1 option2: EstimationCommand // Extract and work on the user's estimation command capture _on_colon_parse `0' local estimcmd = `"`s(after)' // Get part of estimation command before options start at comma local pos = strpos("`estimcmd'", ",") if ((`pos') > 0 ) { // options exist on the estimation command, so put them aside for the moment local commaafter= substr("`estimcmd'", `pos', .) local estimcmd = substr( "`estimcmd'", 1, `pos'-1) // just the command } // Make a touse variable local 0 `estimcmd' syntax anything [if] [in] marksample touse // record existing if/in // // Replace if/in material in estimation command string with an "if touse" clause. local estimcmd = subinstr("`estimcmd'", "`in'", "", .) // strip out in local estimcmd = subinstr("`estimcmd'", "`if'", "", .) // strip out "if" material local estimcmd = "`estimcmd'" + " if " + "\`touse'" + "`commaafter'" // touse and options onto the estimation command
I understand that there are syntax features for capturing options and so forth, but the documentation is distinctly thin there. The maneuvers I see in the code for the built-in colon commands are much fancier than I'm ready to handle at this point.
Thanks for taking a look at this.
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