Dear all,
I am encountering a problem similar to this post (running out of memory while merging). In particular, I want to merge these two database:
  1. Segment 1: it only contains one variable (Identifiers). It is a strL variable with 70 million rows (.dta size is around 4GBs).
  2. Segment 2: it contains a "superset" of variable Identifiers and other 8 numeric variables (.dta size is around 8GBs). For "superset" I mean that Segment2 contains the same observations of Segment1 plus some more others (overall Segment2 contains 71 million rows).
Logic: I want to shrink the size of Segment2 to only consider those observations listed in Segment 1.
clear _all
use Segment1.dta
merge 1:1 Identifiers using Segment2.dta
I am using a powerful Remote Stata Server with 132GB of RAM. However, I obtain this error message:
I/O error writing .dta file
Usually such I/O errors are caused by the disk or file system being full.
Am I doing anything wrong? If not, I am surprised I am depleting my 132GB of RAM, I mean, the .dta size is not "big" Do you think is a problem of the remote machine I am using?

Any help would be much appreciated.
