Hi all,

When I use fitstat after a ologit regression, I get this message:
. fitstat

Measures of Fit for ologit of A1

variable _cons not found

My full output is this:
. ologit A1 i.G1 i.SQ3_2_1 i.SQ3_3_range_1 i.SQ3_4_1 i.SQ3_7_1 i.SQ4 i.BA2, nolog

Ordered logistic regression                     Number of obs     =      2,593
                                                LR chi2(17)       =     148.84
                                                Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
Log likelihood =  -2800.086                     Pseudo R2         =     0.0259

           A1 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
         1.G1 |  -.1382861   .0897025    -1.54   0.123    -.3140998    .0375277
    1.SQ3_2_1 |   .4094172   .1316978     3.11   0.002     .1512942    .6675402
SQ3_3_range_1 |
           1  |  -.6737818   .2910436    -2.32   0.021    -1.244217   -.1033469
           2  |  -.9890188   .2823736    -3.50   0.000    -1.542461   -.4355767
           3  |  -1.057691   .2835609    -3.73   0.000     -1.61346   -.5019221
           4  |  -.7718496   .2936067    -2.63   0.009    -1.347308   -.1963911
      SQ3_4_1 |
           1  |  -1.040826   .3424114    -3.04   0.002     -1.71194   -.3697122
           2  |   -1.49965   .3464901    -4.33   0.000    -2.178758   -.8205415
           3  |  -1.817044   .3596155    -5.05   0.000    -2.521877    -1.11221
           4  |  -1.035033   .5379609    -1.92   0.054    -2.089417    .0193508
    1.SQ3_7_1 |  -.0076205   .1417316    -0.05   0.957    -.2854094    .2701684
        1.SQ4 |   .2350615   .1456459     1.61   0.107    -.0503993    .5205223
          BA2 |
           1  |   .2381254   .1349751     1.76   0.078     -.026421    .5026717
           2  |  -.0809185   .1510311    -0.54   0.592    -.3769339     .215097
           3  |   .0645342   .1473375     0.44   0.661     -.224242    .3533104
           4  |   .4530845    .173775     2.61   0.009     .1124917    .7936773
           5  |   .3805272   .2506331     1.52   0.129    -.1107047    .8717591
        /cut1 |  -6.746417   .4951856                     -7.716963   -5.775871
        /cut2 |  -2.589905   .4630787                     -3.497523   -1.682287
        /cut3 |   -.410473   .4591015                     -1.310295    .4893494
        /cut4 |    2.07468   .4812484                       1.13145    3.017909
        /cut5 |   4.288335   .6735743                      2.968153    5.608516

. fitstat

Measures of Fit for ologit of A1

variable _cons not found
Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance.