Dear all,

I have a set of data for firm deals. For each deal, there are 3 completion dates, Completeddate, Expectedcompletiondate, and Assumedcompletiondate. I have a thorough inspection of the data and found that in most of the cases, only 1 of the 3 dates has a value, the other 2 are missing. In some cases, 2 out of the 3 dates have value, but the 2 dates are the same. So I want to create a new variable, complete_date, which takes the non-missing value of the 3 dates, or chooses one value if there are 2 non-missing dates (given that the 2 dates are the same, it doesn't matter which date to choose). How can I achieve this? Thanks a lot for any help!
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input long DealNumber int(Completeddate Expectedcompletiondate Assumedcompletiondate)
1907206228     .     .     .
1907063377 20087     .     .
1943130728 21643     .     .
1633010357     .     . 19288
1907140101     .     . 21220
1907243411 21155     .     .
1943102519 21909     .     .
1907094570     .     . 20910
1907203574 20884     .     .
1943042795 21543     .     .
1943040193     .     . 22089
1943152252 22071     .     .
1907196308 20948     .     .
1907000052     . 19900 19900
format %tdnn/dd/CCYY Completeddate
format %tdnn/dd/CCYY Expectedcompletiondate
format %tdnn/dd/CCYY Assumedcompletiondate
The dates look as if they are random numbers but if you put it in stata it will back to normal mm/dd/yyyy format. The last row of the data is an example of there are 2 non-missing dates and they are the same.