Hello! everyone,

I use "colon.dta" in strs to estimate relative survival in my job, but the difficulty is that I can't find the original data source of "colon.dta". I need to verify the original data source in my job.
So, anyone can help me or offer some clues?

Here is the code from the work of Paul W. Dickman, et al in my job:
•drop _all
•use "colon.dta"
•generate id=_n
•stset exit, origin(dx) failure(status==1 2) id(id) scale(365.24)
•generate long potfu = date("31/12/1995", "DMY")
•strs using "popmort.dta" if yydx < 1981, breaks(0(1)15) mergeby(_year sex _age) list(n d w cr_e1 cr_e2 cr_hak cns_pp) ederer1 potfu(potfu) pohar savgroup(fig1sex,replace)

I first found this database from "http://pauldickman.com/data/colon.dta", but it is obviously not the original data source. I believe the colon.dta should come from "https://cancerregistry.fi/information/" (Finnish Cancer Registry) or "https://www.stat.fi/index_en.html" (Finnish Statistic). However, I didn't find it. So I want to ask if anyone is familiar with the colon.dta or these websites?
Thanks very much!

Dickman PW, Coviello EJ. Estimating and modeling relative survival [J]. Stat J, 2015, 15(1): 186-215.