I am doing a logistic regression using three predictor variables: country, age group, and gender. Is it possible to get the p-value for each of the predictors as a whole? In other words, I want to see if country is a significant predictor rather than just seeing if each country is significant when compared to country 1.

logit stage1 i.country i.ageGroup i.sex

Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -526.38644  
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -441.62992  
Iteration 2:   log likelihood =  -436.0493  
Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -435.97828  
Iteration 4:   log likelihood = -435.97828  

Logistic regression                             Number of obs     =        940
                                                LR chi2(7)        =     180.82
                                                Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
Log likelihood = -435.97828                     Pseudo R2         =     0.1718

      stage1 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
     country |
          2  |    .313061   .2425741     1.29   0.197    -.1623756    .7884975
          3  |   .2633563   .3269829     0.81   0.421    -.3775184    .9042309
          4  |   1.205703   .2562296     4.71   0.000     .7035025    1.707904
          5  |    .105372   .3575094     0.29   0.768    -.5953335    .8060775
    ageGroup |
          3  |  -1.481375    .220824    -6.71   0.000    -1.914182   -1.048568
          4  |  -2.649173   .2641079   -10.03   0.000    -3.166815   -2.131531
       1.sex |  -.7830366   .1724172    -4.54   0.000    -1.120968   -.4451051
       _cons |   .5457643   .2142281     2.55   0.011     .1258849    .9656438