Hi guys!

I have to do a replication project and still try to figure out what`s wrong with these commands:

HTML Code:
proportion favor_cn
estimates store fcn

coefplot fcn, format(%9.0f) 
    title("(a) Overall Perception", size(medium)) 
    color(teal) byopts(cols(1)) 
    ciopts(recast(rcap)) citop citype(logit) 
    recast(bar) rescale(100) vertical  
    graphregion(color(white)) yscale(r(0 50)) ylabel(0(10)50) 
    addplot(scatter @b @at, ms(i) mlabel(@b) mlabpos(2) mlabcolor(black)) 
    xlabel(1 "Favourable" 2 "Neutral" 3 "Unfavourable") 
    ylabel(, labcol(black)) barwidth(.5)