Hi All,
I am trying t create a new variable that defines Car owned status of a person.
What I want is,
Car own status Total number (%)
Any car
Number of Cars owned

Types of cars have summarized below.

. sum ford honda mustang infinity toyota jaguar hyundai suzuki jeep dodge tesla

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
        ford |    335,987    .0435642    .2041237          0          1
       honda |    335,310    .0610241    .2393749          0          1
     mustang |    334,158    .0603397    .2381155          0          1
    infinity |    334,742    .0887131    .2843296          0          1
      toyota |    335,366    .0836877    .2769193          0          1
      jaguar |    336,332    .1465665    .3536738          0          1
     hyundai |    335,145    .3373495     .472806          0          1
      suzuki |    335,763     .038283    .1918788          0          1
        jeep |    336,137    .0974513    .2965718          0          1
       dodge |    336,012    .0990738    .2987616          0          1
       tesla |    335,480    .1809884    .3850092          0          1
Is there any way I can create variables "Car own status" and "number of cars owned" from the given information? Appreciate your help.