Hi all,
I please have another question.
So I have variables Revenue_GDP, Expenditure_GDP, Consumption_GDP, GovernmentConsumption_GDP, Investment_GDP, Exports_GDP Imports_GDP, Debt_GDP, Deficit_GDP
which are all as a % of GDP. I am trying to generate for example Revenue = Revenue_GDP * GDP_LCU to get Revenue figure and likewise for all the above variables.
I tried the following loop but it gives me error saying Revenue_GDP is already defined
The formula I am using:
local vars3 "Revenue Expenditure Consumption GovernmentConsumption Investment Exports Imports Debt Deficit"
local vars4 "Revenue_GDP Expenditure_GDP Consumption_GDP GovernmentConsumption_GDP Investment_GDP Exports_GDP Imports_GDP Debt_GDP Deficit_GDP"
foreach x of varlist `vars3' {
foreach s of varlist `vars4' {
gen `x' = `s' * GDP_LCU
Can you help me correct it. Thanks.
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