
I have a dataset in which multiple organizations can serve the same county. I have a crosswalk by county FIPS codes that looks like this:
1001 1095
1001 1055
1003 1123
1003 1095
So as you can see, Org 1001 takes in counties 1095 and 1055. However, Org ID 1003 also takes in county 1095. I want to merge county-level data into this by FIPS, so variables such as County Median Income, and Population. So I want County 1095 data to populate both rows that have 1095 FIPS codes. I cannot get rid of duplicates bc the duplicates are there intentionally, as these data will eventually be condensed down to Org Service Region level data (just one observation for ID 1001, 1003, etc.). Is there a way to make this work without deleting duplicates?

Thank you,