I´m working on a data which has registered repeated observations because there are some observations (individuals) that belong to more than one values of the variable called P803.
The variable id has the purpose of identifying each individual, for example the line n°11 and 12 of the observations belong to the same individual but it is registered as two; this has caused me trouble due to the fact that I need to merge this database to another one and it cannot be done because of each id does not have unique values (they are registered as two observations)

What I´ve tried is to create as many dummy as the possible options of P803 are, however I still need to find a way to combine the observations so it appears as one unique observations, I will try to ilustrate with a table:

For example, As line 11 and 12, I have:
id P803
201704007065005004064110101014402 7
201704007065005004064110101014402 8
And I need.
id P803_7 P803_8
201704007065005004064110101014402 1 1
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str33 id byte P803
"201712007060005001002110101014401" 18
"201712007060005001023110101014401" 18
"201712007060005001023110101014402" 18
"201712007060005001035110101014401" 18
"201712007060005001046110101014402" 18
"201704007061005002009110101014401"  1
"201704007061005002071110101014403"  1
"201711007063005003001110101014402" 12
"201711007063005003053110101014401"  7
"201711007063005003070110101014401" 18
"201711007063005003140110101014402"  7
"201711007063005003140110101014402"  8
"201704007065005004025110101014401" 18
"201704007065005004064110101014402"  7
"201704007065005004064110101014402"  8
"201704007065005004160110101014401"  8
"201704007065005004160110101014402"  8
"201706007066005005042110101014402" 20
"201706007066005005114110101014401" 16
"201706007066005005114110101014402" 20
"201708007068005006016110101014402"  7
"201708007068005006016110101014402" 18
"201708007068005006046110101014401" 10
"201703007070005007007110101014403"  1
"201703007070005007036110101014401"  1
"201707007073005008004110101014402" 10
"201707007073005008004110101014402" 18
"201707007073005008058110101014401"  1
"201707007073005008058110101014403"  7
"201707007073005008058110101014404"  1
label values P803 P803
label def P803 1 "Clubes y asociaciones deportivas", modify
label def P803 7 "Asociación profesional", modify
label def P803 8 "Asociación de trabajadores o sindicato", modify
label def P803 10 "Asociación de padres de familia (APAFA)", modify
label def P803 12 "Comedor popular", modify
label def P803 16 "Comunidad campesina", modify
label def P803 18 "Otro/a", modify
label def P803 20 "Participación en la preparación de desayuno y/o almuerzo escolar", modify
This happens through the whole data, it is not about the observations from the example only, so I have to do it with each observation that has the same issue.
I really appreciate any response and possible solution in advance.
I using Stata 13/MP/64.