I have the code below. I want to export the result from the code below to excel and also want to add standard deviations for the two groups SCTP and NonSCTP.
local vars "HAZ WAZ WHZ Female melevel region twins children_U5 water_source helevel year district AdjHAZ newcage newcage_6 newcage_11 newreligion newwealthsco newhhsex newwage newhhweight newchild_weight agediff"

matrix means = J(23, 3, -99)
matrix colnames means = NonSCTP SCTP t-value
matrix rownames means = `vars'

local irow = 0
qui {
foreach var of varlist `vars' {
local ++irow
sum `var' if SCTP == 0
matrix means[`irow',1] = r(mean)
sum `var' if SCTP == 1
matrix means[`irow',2] = r(mean)
ttest `var', by(SCTP)
matrix means[`irow',3] = r(t)

matrix list means, format(%15.4f)