Hi everyone,

I want to import a public data set of standardized tests in Colombia. This information is available as a text file. I tried importing it with the import delimited command, but I encounter problems as some contents of the variables are characters such as "¿" and "1/2". This makes stata divide the values between two variables, creating an non existing variable and moving all contents of the following variables.

My code is:

forvalues x=2009/2019 {

forvalues y=1/2 {

import delimited "${raw_dir}/SB11_`x'`y'/SB11_`x'`y'.txt", ///
delimiter("¬Â") varnames(1)
dropmiss, force // This is to try to solve the problem but doesn't quite work out
cap rename ïestu_exam_nombreexamen estu_exam_nombreexamen
save "${use_dir}/original/S11_`x'`y'.dta", replace


Thabk you very much for your help!