
I currently have a dataset that looks like that in Excel:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str8 C str10(D E F G H I J)
"DATATYPE" "12/30/2020" "12/23/2020" "12/16/2020" " 12/9/2020" " 12/2/2020" "11/25/2020" "11/18/2020"
"RI"       "NA"         "NA"         "NA"         "NA"         "NA"         "NA"         "NA"        
I am having problems importing the dates to Stata as variables (start with a number not allowed in Stata). I would like to import the dataset in a way that I can keep track of the dates and be able to merge by data with other datasets. This is important because dates are dynamics and change every weeks since I am working with live data. Can someone help? Thanks!