
I have a problem with Coefplot. I have tried the different answers I have found here from earlier, but I cannot get anything to work. I am using Stata 14.2 if that makes any difference.

I am running a basic DD regression looking like this:
reg AN_OSUB_ treat_lead* treat_0 treat_lag* i.YFE*, cluster(regnr)

Where AN_OSUB is my dependent variable, treat_lead* is 7 leads of my treatment variable, treat_0 is the year of treatment interaction and treat_lag* is 2 lags of the treatment. Lastly i.YFE are my year dummies. I want to plot the leads and lags to visualize the parallel trends test, but I don´t want my year fixed effects to show up in the plot.

I have tried to write *.YFE within the brackets of drop, I've tried not to drop the constant and only drop the year fixed effects but they are still left in the plot.
reg AN_OSUB_ treat_lead* treat_0 treat_lag* i.YFE*, cluster(regnr)
coefplot, drop(YFE*) yline(0) xline(6) vertical
coefplot, drop(_cons, (YFE*)) yline(0) xline(6) vertical

I have also tried to use "keep" instead, but that doesn't work either. Then STATA plots evrything as 0 even if none of the coefficents are zero.

reg AN_OSUB_ treat_lead* treat_0 treat_lag1 i.YFE*, cluster(regnr)
est store _all
coefplot _all, keep(treat*) vertical

Does anyone have a clue what I can do to only plot the treatment, leads and lags?
