Dear all,

Since I think it is more appropriate to ask this question in a different topic, I created a new topic.
I was wondering what it means if my interaction term has the same value as one of my variables of which it is interacted with, but has the opposite sign.

I am estimating the effect of a policy (that can exist in two forms/binary variable) on district revenue. Since not only the policy, but also the internsity matters (irrespective of the policy, the intensity is always positive), I included an interaction term. However it seems like the value of the interaction term is almost equal to the policy variable if policy==1. If the policy takes on the value of 1 because the first policy is in place, it then seems like there is no effect of intensity correct? I was wondering if this indicates some mistake.

 xtreg lnDistrict_Revenue L.i.P##L.c.Intensity c.L.lnUrbanPopulation##c.L.lnUrbanPopulation c.L.lnPropertyvalue c.L.lnGrant##c.L.lnGrant c.L.lnIncome_percapita c.L.ShareUnemployed c.L.ShareElderly c.L.ShareYoung L.lnSpending i.Year, fe cluster(District)
Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =      3,204
Group variable: District                        Number of groups  =        298
R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
     within  = 0.7285                                         min =          6
     between = 0.0179                                         avg =       10.8
     overall = 0.0325                                         max =         11
                                                F(23,297)         =     172.78
corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.9326                        Prob > F          =     0.0000
                                                          (Std. Err. adjusted for 298 clusters in District)
                                          |               Robust
                       lnDistrict_Revenue |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                      L.P |
                                       1  |   .0351146   .0151471     2.32   0.021     .0053053    .0649238
                                Intensity |
                                      L1. |     .19091   .0975182     1.96   0.051    -.0010041    .3828242
                         L.P#cL.Intensity |
                                       1  |  -.1870479   .1081467    -1.73   0.085    -.3998788     .025783
                        lnUrbanPopulation |
                                      L1. |   2.370568   1.676327     1.41   0.158    -.9284165    5.669553
cL.lnUrbanPopulation#cL.lnUrbanPopulation |  -.1596966   .0787233    -2.03   0.043    -.3146229   -.0047704
                          lnPropertyvalue |
                                      L1. |  -.7620712   .0773144    -9.86   0.000    -.9142247   -.6099178
                                  lnGrant |
                                      L1. |   .9593062   .2999702     3.20   0.002     .3689699    1.549642
                    cL.lnGrant#cL.lnGrant |  -.0228989   .0081084    -2.82   0.005    -.0388561   -.0069416
                       lnIncome_percapita |
                                      L1. |   .0228362   .1156852     0.20   0.844    -.2048304    .2505027
                          ShareUnemployed |
                                      L1. |  -.0163021   .0095847    -1.70   0.090    -.0351648    .0025605
                             ShareElderly |
                                      L1. |  -.0026668    .002733    -0.98   0.330    -.0080453    .0027117
                               ShareYoung |
                                      L1. |  -.0039125    .003059    -1.28   0.202    -.0099326    .0021076
                               lnSpending |
                                      L1. |  -.0034049   .0030913    -1.10   0.272    -.0094886    .0026787
                                     Year |
                                    2002  |   .0454305   .0154763     2.94   0.004     .0149733    .0758876
                                    2003  |    .110855   .0188005     5.90   0.000      .073856     .147854
                                    2004  |   .1813692   .0234291     7.74   0.000     .1352611    .2274773
                                    2005  |   .1985591   .0317878     6.25   0.000     .1360012     .261117
                                    2006  |   .1323212   .0377318     3.51   0.001     .0580657    .2065767
                                    2007  |   .1298228    .042398     3.06   0.002     .0463842    .2132615
                                    2008  |   .1263483   .0453511     2.79   0.006     .0370981    .2155986
                                    2009  |   .1168673   .0481765     2.43   0.016     .0220568    .2116778
                                    2010  |   .1327302   .0562972     2.36   0.019     .0219383    .2435221
                                    2011  |   .1738778   .0612029     2.84   0.005     .0534314    .2943241
                                    _cons |  -5.173469   8.324948    -0.62   0.535    -21.55683    11.20989
                                  sigma_u |  .66077134
                                  sigma_e |  .06458734
                                      rho |  .99053626   (fraction of variance due to u_i)

When I split the sample based on policy (0 or 1) instead of the interaction term, It seems like there is no effect of intensity when policy 1 as compared when policy is 0. I know this is different because I am the interacting every variable.