After importing delimited using abcd.txt data this is the following output I'm getting on my data editor.

The first four-digit should have been year, the next 2 digits represent State postal abbreviation, the next 2 digits express State FIPS code, the next 3 digits represent County FIPS code, and the next 2 digits are for Registry (Geographic Definition Only), the following single digit is for the race, the next digit is for Hispanic. The next digits are for gender, then the following 2 digits are for age (00-85), and the last 8 digits are for the population. The dictionary is also explained here if anyone cares to go through it. Also, NBER uploaded the refined dataset here ( 1990-2016 ) dta

How can I refine it like the dictionary of the data? So far, after importing it this is what it looks like. It's importing only 1 variable in name of v1 whereas there is information of 10 variables I put it in bold form.

Any suggestion ? I need the data from 2000-2020. Otherwise I could have used the NBER uploaded data where they uploaded it till 2016 from 1990.

This is the dictionary of the data

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input str26 v1