Hello. I wish to graph the within-state (US states) variation of a performance measure over time for 45 states. However, some states have a much lower average performance than others, and some states have greater variability in the performance measure (the y variable).
Since my goal is to show these cycles within states, I'd like to have a way to have the y-variable scaled by state. If I only graph a few states, having just one scale wouldn't be a problem. However, with all 45 states, a single scale makes some lines appear flat.

Is there a way to create a compact graph--like sparklines--with a y-scale set for each state? Otherwise, I may need to create three sets of graphs of groups of states with the groups based on the maximum performance measure. I hope this question is clear.

In the -dataex- sample below, I just include a few states that show such variability in the maximum performance value. "Ratio" is the performance variable; it is measured every two years.

Thank you.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str2 stateabbr float(year ratio)
"AR" 2006 .031210987
"AR" 2008          .
"AR" 2010   .0212996
"AR" 2012  .04330367
"AR" 2014  .11587688
"AR" 2016  .18206713
"AR" 2018  .13653782
"AR" 2020  .11991835
"MO" 2006  .05226283
"MO" 2008   .1468446
"MO" 2010   .3028242
"MO" 2012   .2421415
"MO" 2014  .18079086
"MO" 2016   .1796066
"MO" 2018   .1114988
"MO" 2020  .09073064
"MT" 2006   .1025776
"MT" 2008  .12931456
"MT" 2010   .1310258
"MT" 2012  .09517085
"MT" 2014  .13652705
"MT" 2016  .23533443
"MT" 2018 .034735452
"MT" 2020  .05583256
"OH" 2006   .0916762
"OH" 2008   .2261373
"OH" 2010   .3317917
"OH" 2012   .4606627
"OH" 2014   .2346816
"OH" 2016   .4142646
"OH" 2018  .33637035
"OH" 2020   .3177344
"OK" 2006  .07273434
"OK" 2008 .073036894
"OK" 2010  .04667522
"OK" 2012   .0409433
"OK" 2014 .022541795
"OK" 2016  .15999486
"OK" 2018  .12739336
"OK" 2020  .06465035