I recently found myself with need to produce over 1000 cross-tabulations with their respective chi-square and p-value. Say, for instance, 3 sample groups X 6 themes X 4 categorical questions X 15 covariates. So I needed to create 3 excel workbook with each workbook containing 6 sheets then within each sheet I did the crostab of the 4 questions by 15 covariates.

My go to function was Stata built-in function, putexcel, but columns needed easily went beyond Z.
Borrowing from Chuck Huber's tutorial https://blog.stata.com/2017/04/06/cr...ary-variables/ I demonstrate how to integrate putexcel with excelcol for specifying column names instead of char() function. Here is the code chunk with application using nlsw88 dataset.

clear matrix
* ssc install excelcol // if excelcol is not installed

sysuse nlsw88.dta, clear

label define south 0 "North" 1 "South"
label value south south

recode hours (0/40=0) (41/max=1), gen(hours_40)
label variable hours_40 "Works more than 40 hours a week"
label define hours_40 0 "40 hours or less" 1 "More than 40 hours"
label value hours_40 hours_40

xtile wage_quart = wage, nq(4)
label variable wage_quart "Wage quantile"
label define wage_quart 1"First quantile" 2"Second quantile" 3"Third quantile" 4"Fourth quantile"
label value wage_quart wage_quart

local theme1 "industry occupation" // Occupation
local theme2 "wage_quart hours_40" // Compensation
local theme3 "union" // Workers' Union

gen themelab=. /*Variable for labeling purpose only. Not to be used in analysis*/
recode themelab .=1 if _n==1
recode themelab .=2 if _n==2
recode themelab .=3 if _n==3
label define themelab 1"Occupation" 2"Compensation" 3"Workers' Union", modify
label value themelab themelab

local covariates "south race married collgrad" // Variables for grouping

label define smsalbl 0 "Non SMSA" 1 "SMSA", replace

levelsof smsa, local(smsaLevels)
local smsaValueLabel : value label smsa /*Inherit value labels from variable */

foreach s of local smsaLevels {
local i=1
while `i'<=3 {
local y = 1
foreach vary of local theme`i' { /*Outcome variable */
local x = 1
foreach varx of local covariates { /*Categorizing variable */
tabulate `varx' if !missing(`vary') & smsa == `s', matcell(rowtotals) /* For calculating rowwise percent */
tabulate `varx' `vary' if smsa == `s', chi2 matcell(cellcounts) /* The actual crosstabulation */
local RowCount = r(r)
local ColCount = r(c)
local chi = round(r(chi2), .01)
local p_value = round(r(p), .001)

levelsof `varx', local(RowLevels)
local RowValueLabel : value label `varx' /*Inherit value labels from row variable */
local RowVarLabel : variable label `varx' /*Inherit variable labels from row variable */

levelsof `vary', local(ColLevels)
local ColValueLabel : value label `vary' /*Inherit value labels from column variable */
local ColVarLabel : variable label `vary' /*Inherit variable labels from row variable */

putexcel clear
putexcel set `"`:label (themelab) `i''"', sheet(`:label (smsa) `s'') modify open /* Each workbook will be specific to a theme.
Each workbook will consist of 2 sheets each for smsa and nonsmsa.
A sheet will consist of several questions (categorized by covariates) used in defining a specific theme*/

forvalues row = 1/`RowCount' {
//Label rows
local RowValueLabelNum = word("`RowLevels'", `row')
local CellContents : label `RowValueLabel' `RowValueLabelNum' /* Rows to be consecutively labeled using specific covariate value labels */
local r = `y'
excelcol `r' /* using excelcol instead of char() to enable column extend beyond excel column Z */
local Cell = "`r(column)'" + string(`=`row' + `x' + 2')
putexcel `Cell' = "`CellContents'", right /* Value labels */
local r = `y'
excelcol `r'
local CellRange = "`r(column)'" + string(`x' + 2)
putexcel `CellRange' = "`RowVarLabel'", hcenter bold /* Variable labels */
local r = 1 + `ColCount' + `y'
excelcol `r'
local Cell = "`r(column)'" + string(`x' + 3)
putexcel `Cell' = "`chi' (`p_value')", hcenter /* Chi-square test statistic and p-value */
//Populate cells with frequency and percent
forvalues col = 1/`ColCount' {
local cellcount = cellcounts[`row',`col']
local cellpercent = string(100*`cellcount'/rowtotals[`row',1],"%9.1f") /* Calculate percent */
local CellContents = "`cellcount' (`cellpercent'%)" /* Concatenate frequency and percent */
local r = `col' + `y'
excelcol `r'
local Cell = "`r(column)'" + string(`=`row' + `x' + 2') /* Specify cells to be filled with frequecy & percent */
putexcel `Cell' = "`CellContents'", right
//Label columns
if `row'==1 {
local ColValueLabelNum = word("`ColLevels'", `col')
local CellContents : label `ColValueLabel' `ColValueLabelNum' /* Columns to be labeled using column value labels */
local r = `col' + `y'
excelcol `r'
local Cell = "`r(column)'" + string(2)
putexcel `Cell' = "`CellContents'", hcenter
local r = 1 + `ColCount' + `y'
excelcol `r'
local Cell = "`r(column)'" + string(2)
putexcel `Cell' = "Chi-square (p-value)", hcenter /* Naming the chisquare column */
local r = `y'
excelcol `r'
local Cell = "`r(column)'" + string(1)
putexcel `Cell' = "`ColVarLabel'", hcenter bold /* Variable labels */
putexcel close /* open and close option saves processing time by saving at workbook level instead of cell level */
loc x = `x' + `RowCount' + 2
loc y = `y' + `ColCount' + 4
local i=`i'+1

The result are excel workbooks like below Array