Dear Statalists,

I could use your input on the following 😊

My case: I am testing the influence of a factor variable (4 different countries) on an ordinal outcome variable (text complexity, scale 1-6). Since the parallel lines assumption is not met for all four categories of the factor variable, I use gologit2 for a partial proportional odds model. This gives me the odds ratios for the predictor's influence at each cut off point, which is fine. However, it is rather detailed for the hypothesis I am testing, which suggests that text complexity increases depending on the country (category 1 in the factor variable should be lowest, 4 highest). What I can say based on the PPO model is that this varies at each cut off point (which makes sense). Yet computing a cumulative PO model with ologit also shows overaching block patterns (two low countries vs two higher countries) but not the increasing trend as hypothesized.

My question: I have read that I could still use ologit in favour of parsimoniousness (justifying with BIC, which indeed is lower for olgit than gologit2), but I'm not sure if ignoring the violated paralell lines assumption is a good way to go. Do you have experience with whether it is "okay" or common to do this? Or maybe other ideas to make interpretation less detailed? I was thinking of clustering the scale values again, so I have less cut off points ...

I'm looking forward to your opinions on this and am trying to copy the gologit2 and ologit models below (first time, so I hope this works).


ologit icomplexity i.csystem, or

Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -5620.6987  
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -5537.1818  
Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -5537.0217  
Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -5537.0217  

Ordered logistic regression                     Number of obs     =      4,563
                                                LR chi2(3)        =     167.35
                                                Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
Log likelihood = -5537.0217                     Pseudo R2         =     0.0149

 icomplexity | Odds Ratio   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
     csystem |
          2  |   .9913936    .080441    -0.11   0.915     .8456296    1.162283
          3  |   1.925266   .1530373     8.24   0.000     1.647517    2.249841
          4  |   2.157683   .1677328     9.89   0.000     1.852752    2.512799
       /cut1 |   .3362666   .0567362                      .2250656    .4474675
       /cut2 |   1.378303   .0602158                      1.260282    1.496323
       /cut3 |   3.011779   .0782728                      2.858367     3.16519
       /cut4 |   4.851709   .1477801                      4.562065    5.141352
       /cut5 |   5.997357    .248598                      5.510114      6.4846
Note: Estimates are transformed only in the first equation.
gologit2 icomplexity i.csystem, autofit lrforce or

Testing parallel lines assumption using the .05 level of significance...

Step  1:  Constraints for parallel lines imposed for 4.csystem (P Value = 0.8842)
Step  2:  Constraints for parallel lines are not imposed for
          2.csystem (P Value = 0.00000)
          3.csystem (P Value = 0.00000)

Wald test of parallel lines assumption for the final model:

 ( 1)  [1]4.csystem - [2]4.csystem = 0
 ( 2)  [1]4.csystem - [3]4.csystem = 0
 ( 3)  [1]4.csystem - [4]4.csystem = 0
 ( 4)  [1]4.csystem - [5]4.csystem = 0

           chi2(  4) =    1.16
         Prob > chi2 =    0.8842

An insignificant test statistic indicates that the final model
does not violate the proportional odds/ parallel lines assumption

If you re-estimate this exact same model with gologit2, instead
of autofit you can save time by using the parameter

pl(1b.csystem 4.csystem)


Generalized Ordered Logit Estimates             Number of obs     =      4,563
                                                LR chi2(11)       =     232.51
                                                Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
Log likelihood =  -5504.443                     Pseudo R2         =     0.0207

 ( 1)  [1]4.csystem - [2]4.csystem = 0
 ( 2)  [2]4.csystem - [3]4.csystem = 0
 ( 3)  [3]4.csystem - [4]4.csystem = 0
 ( 4)  [4]4.csystem - [5]4.csystem = 0
 icomplexity | Odds Ratio   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
1            |
     csystem |
          2  |   .8776573    .072918    -1.57   0.116     .7457701    1.032868
          3  |    1.78562     .15009     6.90   0.000     1.514403     2.10541
          4  |   2.270685   .1801171    10.34   0.000     1.943736    2.652629
       _cons |    .745114   .0430006    -5.10   0.000     .6654261     .834345
2            |
     csystem |
          1  |          1   4.40e-17    -4.16   0.000            1           1
          2  |   1.289039   .1231981     2.66   0.008     1.068842    1.554599
          3  |   2.089253   .1922505     8.01   0.000     1.744474    2.502174
          4  |   2.270685   .1801171    10.34   0.000     1.943736    2.652629
       _cons |   .2302401     .01509   -22.41   0.000      .202485    .2617996
3            |
     csystem |
          1  |          1   1.20e-17    -8.01   0.000            1           1
          2  |    2.26293   .3548734     5.21   0.000     1.664123    3.077207
          3  |    3.49951   .5104081     8.59   0.000      2.62941    4.657534
          4  |   2.270685   .1801171    10.34   0.000     1.943736    2.652629
       _cons |   .0332747   .0035651   -31.76   0.000     .0269722      .04105
4            |
     csystem |
          2  |   3.739563   1.489331     3.31   0.001     1.713241    8.162503
          3  |   7.827675   2.759696     5.84   0.000      3.92226    15.62173
          4  |   2.270685   .1801171    10.34   0.000     1.943736    2.652629
       _cons |   .0032357   .0009507   -19.51   0.000     .0018192    .0057552
5            |
     csystem |
          2  |    5.32339   3.901655     2.28   0.023     1.265668    22.39014
          3  |   10.30695   6.901483     3.48   0.000     2.774406    38.29045
          4  |   2.270685   .1801171    10.34   0.000     1.943736    2.652629
       _cons |   .0008055   .0004672   -12.28   0.000     .0002585    .0025103
Note: _cons estimates baseline odds.