I have 19 files, and want Stata to create a tempfile for each one, but named differently.
How may I create a tempfile named according to the actual value of a local in a loop?
What I do is a filesearch for some datasets, change them somehow (mycode), and then (via some regexr) create a local containing the tempfile name, respectively.
Here's some (pretty nonsense) example for the sake of illustration. This is - I guess - a more a general question, and not so much depending on specific data, anyway:
input filename "StudyX_spWork_R_12-0-1.dta" end save "StudyX_spWork_R_12-0-1.dta" clear input filename "StudyX_spTravel_T_12-0-1.dta" end save "StudyX_spTravel_T_12-0-1.dta" clear input filename "StudyX_spSports_S_12-0-1.dta" end save "StudyX_spSports_S_12-0-1.dta" clear input filename "StudyX_Z_12-0-1.dta" end save "StudyX_Z_12-0-1.dta" qui filesearch *_sp*, dir($pathin) foreach file in `r(filenames)' {
preserve di "create tempfile of `file'" qui use $pathin`file', clear qui include $pathdo/mycode
local tmp = regexr(regexr("`file'", "^StudyX_", ""), "_12-0-1.dta$", "") di "designated name for tempfile: `tmp'" tempfile `"`tmp'"' save $pathout/`tmp', replace restore
set trace on
save $pathout/`tmp', replace
"_spWork invalid name
tempfile `"spWork"'
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