i'm wondering if anyone can help ?
When i'm calculating the wait time(wait_time_new) i calculated it by doing the following -> (slot_time - consultant_started ) it gives me this really large negative number for my wait_time_new variable.
Ive noticed stata throws really large negative or positive numbers when the duration between two timestamps are small e.g slot_time and consultant_started
Can someone help please, they are all formatted as a double. i haven't used the wait_time variable and i'm aware this is a float
gen wait_time_new =.
replace wait_time_new = slot_time - consultant_started if missing(wait_time_new)
replace wait_time_new = minutes(wait_time_new)
format %9.2f wait_time_new
wait_time = in seconds
wait_time_new = in minutes
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input double(slot_time consultant_started) str7 wait_time float wait_time_new 0 86353000 "-47" -1439.2167 0 86334000 "-66" -1438.9 0 86273000 "-127" -1437.8833 0 86182000 "-218" -1436.3667 0 86061000 "-339" -1434.35 end format %tcHH:MM:SS slot_time format %tcHH:MM:SS consultant_started
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