Hello, I'm doing a difference-in-difference analysis to show the impact of removing financial incentives for the achievement quality indicators.
If incentives are removed, the indicator is 'treated' (Treated dummy =1); if the incentives aren't removed, the indicator is a control (Treated =0)

The 'denominator' is the number of eligible patients for a quality indicator, the 'numerator' the number of patients actually treated (in each practice).

I'm using the following dataset:

Year Clinic Indicator Numerator Denominator Achievement Treated Time
2016 W95009 AST004 30 35 85.714286 1 0
2016 W95009 COPD002 93 97 95.876289 1 0
2016 W95009 COPD003 282 294 95.918367 1 0
2016 W95009 COPD005 77 77 100 1 0

I can find the DiD coefficient for the difference in mean clinic 'achievement' (in %), between the treated and controls by doing:

reg Achievement Time Treated Time##Treated

However, I'd also like to look at the mean number of treated patients overall (e.g. sum of the numerators, divided by sum of the denominators) - how would I do that in Stata? e.g. to see whether the overall proportion of treated patients is affected (rather than the mean practice achievement). Many thanks.