Dear All, I run the following xthreg (please search xthreg, and install) command
xthreg i q1 q2 q3 d1 qd1, rx(cf1) qx(d1) thnum(1) grid(400) trim(0.01) bs(100)
matrix f = e(Fstat)
matrix list f  
              RSS        MSE      Fstat       Prob     Crit10      Crit5      Crit1
Single  17.781836  .00225201  35.196397          0  12.908204  15.651497  21.814463
outreg2 using "thrpd", word dec(4) adds(F, 35.196397) adec(3) ctitle(linear) replace
Note that you have to (ssc) install outreg2.

My question is: how can I using something like f[1,3] (the is not correct, but what is the correct command?) instead of 35.196397 in the `adds(F, 35.196397)' option?