Hi all,

I wonder if there's a way to express margins results for log transformed outcomes back in their original form. The predicted values after a margins command look really neat, but is there a way to get the exp() of these when the outcome is log transformed. For example, using "cars":

webuse auto, clear

hist price

gen log_price = log(price)

hist log_price

reg log_price trunk weight length

margins, at(weight=(1000 (500) 5000))

Predictive margins                              Number of obs     =         74
Model VCE    : OLS

Expression   : Linear prediction, predict()

1._at        : weight          =        1000

2._at        : weight          =        1500

3._at        : weight          =        2000

4._at        : weight          =        2500

5._at        : weight          =        3000

6._at        : weight          =        3500

7._at        : weight          =        4000

8._at        : weight          =        4500

9._at        : weight          =        5000

             |            Delta-method
             |     Margin   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
         _at |
          1  |   7.597239   .3124972    24.31   0.000     6.973983    8.220495
          2  |   7.855574   .2364778    33.22   0.000     7.383933    8.327214
          3  |   8.113909    .161188    50.34   0.000     7.792429    8.435388
          4  |   8.372243   .0885091    94.59   0.000     8.195718    8.548769
          5  |   8.630578   .0384534   224.44   0.000     8.553886    8.707271
          6  |   8.888913   .0831622   106.89   0.000     8.723051    9.054775
          7  |   9.147248   .1553891    58.87   0.000     8.837335    9.457162
          8  |   9.405583    .230582    40.79   0.000     8.945702    9.865465
          9  |   9.663918   .3065663    31.52   0.000     9.052491    10.27535
These results are for a log transformed outcome. Is there a way for margins to list them as dollars (the original "price")