I have been using the mrgraph command from the mrtab module to help deal with multiple response questions in survey data.

The command is very useful in counting multiple responses quickly but aesthetically it does not look great - namely the font size of the variable labels on the x-axis (or y-axis if using graph hbar).

 mrgraph hbar B2_1 B2_2 B2_3 B2_4 B2_5 B2_6 B2_7 B2_8 B2_9 B2_10, r(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) blabel(bar) width(30) bar(1, color("23 55 94")) graphregion(color(white)) title("What are the matters of" "local importance?") sort(1) descending
This code provides the following bar graph:

I would like the text on the y-axis to be smaller so that it does not take up so much of the graph space (this is a larger issue for other questions where responses were a lot longer).

If anyone has any experience using mrgraph or anything similar then any help would be hugely appreciated.