I have an unbalanced panel dataset with many (15000+) firms and their daily stock returns from 1960-2018.
From these daily stock returns I want to calculate the one-year "rolling standard deviation" (according to the paper I'm following).
I have managed to come up with the command using -rangestat- and I'm just wondering if I'm doing it correctly as there is no other way for me to check whether the resulting standard deviations from rangestat are correct.

I have also noticed a couple of things while using -rangestat-:

I use the count option to see how many observations it uses and while sometimes it uses 1 observation (this is fine), in other times it uses 2 observations which I'm not sure why it's doing that since I want to use one day returns (the previous day).

Also the standard deviation is sometimes 0 and other times " . " (missing value), I wonder why this is and how I should interpret the difference between these 2 in the output of the rangestat command?

I will post below an example of the data I'm using, but since there is so many observations I cannot post a completely representative sample here. So I will just go with the returns of 1 company (Apple):

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex


input long date str8 ticker str36 comnam double permco float Returns

8417 "AAPL" "APPLE COMPUTER INC" 7    .03319269

8418 "AAPL" "APPLE COMPUTER INC" 7  -.022553137

8419 "AAPL" "APPLE COMPUTER INC" 7   .007132721

8420 "AAPL" "APPLE COMPUTER INC" 7     .1054022

8421 "AAPL" "APPLE COMPUTER INC" 7      -.00033

8424 "AAPL" "APPLE COMPUTER INC" 7    -.0588665

8425 "AAPL" "APPLE COMPUTER INC" 7    .03793554

8426 "AAPL" "APPLE COMPUTER INC" 7    .03980917

8427 "AAPL" "APPLE COMPUTER INC" 7    .06625561

8428 "AAPL" "APPLE COMPUTER INC" 7   .005786227

8431 "AAPL" "APPLE COMPUTER INC" 7 -.0033834374

8432 "AAPL" "APPLE COMPUTER INC" 7    .02086082

8433 "AAPL" "APPLE COMPUTER INC" 7   .026269455

8434 "AAPL" "APPLE COMPUTER INC" 7    .03968534

8435 "AAPL" "APPLE COMPUTER INC" 7  -.014424606

8438 "AAPL" "APPLE COMPUTER INC" 7   -.04090528

8439 "AAPL" "APPLE COMPUTER INC" 7  -.009235363


format %d date

note: permco is simply a unique identifier that each company in the dataset has, a unique number per company.

I then use the following command:

rangestat (sd) Returns (count) Returns, interval (date -1 0) by (permco)

Thanks in advance