Hi all!
So I am a bit stuck on something I have to do.

1. I have a dataset which is multi level, and includes several individual observations for different countries (total 40), for different years/waves. (So for each year, there are 40 countries each having several individual observations of its own). So this is an individual level file.
2. In another dataset, I have the country level variables for all these countries and many more, which has variables like gdp of the country in that particular year
3. I have created an id variable - such that (country-wave) which is the same in both the files.
SO if the code is 47, it represents for country 4 in wave 7.

I want to import the gdp values for each country-wave variable from dataset in 2. such that it gets inputed into all the individual level observations corresponding to that particular (country-wave) variable.

All i need is a loop code such that it would take the gdp value corresponding to the country-wave number (e.g. 47) and put it into the individual file for observations that also correspond to the same country-wave number.

These are two different stata files.

Please help if you can! Will be very well appreciated.