I am working on a logit model containing one interaction between a continuous and a dummy variable. The code I am using is the following (-margins- and -marginsplot- still don't work):

qui logit inverting ethical_dom i.domestic_CEO c.ethical_dom#i.domestic_CEO `ctrls'
margins, at(ethical_dom=(`ethD_min'(1)`ethD_max') domestic_CEO=(0 1)) contrast(atcontrast(_at(domestic_CEO))) 
marginsplot, recast(line) xlabel(#5) name(margins_plot, replace)
The ultimate goal is to obtain a margins plot that draws a line representing the difference in probability, for different levels of ethical_dom (this is the x-axis), between having domestic_CEO==0 and domestic_CEO==1. The line should be surrounded by CIs. I managed to obtain something similar to what I want using this code:

qui logit inverting ethical_dom i.domestic_CEO c.ethical_dom#i.domestic_CEO `ctrls'
margins, at(ethical_dom=(`ethD_min'(1)`ethD_max'))  over(i.domestic_CEO) contrast(overjoint)
marginsplot, recast(line) xlabel(#5) name(margins_plot, replace)
Yet, I understand that using the -over- option is not the same as using the -at- option. What I would like to do is use the -at- option for domestic_CEO, i.e. treat all observations as if at one time they had domestic_CEO==0 and at another time they had domestic_CEO==1.

Can someone help me use the -atjoint- contrast option, or any other one, to do that?