I have panel data for 40 individuals and their characteristics for 10 years.

The DV is an outcome variables with 4 choices (which some argue are ordered and others argue are not ordered).

I am already using an xtologit model under the "ordered outcome" assumption. However, I would also like to run a mlogit with the pooled data (not a panel model using gsem).

My questions are:

1) Can I use pooled data for individuals across time to run an mlogit model with individual dummies (fixed effects)? When I tried to run this, my model did not converge.

2) What are big concerns if I ran a simple mlogit regression with pooled data and are there ways to correct for it? Would clustering around stateid resolve any of these issues?

3) For later iterations of the model I will explore and learn to apply the gsem, mlogit as well but for the current time constraint I have I was wondering if there was a way to get around it.
