Hi Statalist. I would like to -reshape- some of my data from long to wide in order to apply the 'gender' variable to create male/female versions of the variables in my analysis, but receive this Stata message:
. reshape wide `to_fix', i(id p_id wave) j(hgsex)
variable hgsex contains missing values
I have achieved a similar -reshape- previously (in #23 here) (https://www.statalist.org/forums/for...-partner/page2) with success, so I do not understand why it isn't 'working' this time. I've used the same code, only changing the list of variables.

As I have a large number of variables, I thought this may cause an issue, but even after testing this theory by reducing the number of variables in my list, the same error occurred.

In the Stata output below, I observe two potential issues: (1) the high number of missing values for the gender variable, and (2) there appears an issue in the "reshape long" line, where, (in the output) "adhi" is added to p_and q_ prefixes but as you can see this is not in my code.

Note that the panel data I am using includes data for respondents (no prefix to variables) and their partners (variables are identified with a "p_" prefix).

. drop if missing(hgsex, p_hgsex)
(187,863 observations deleted)    
. local to_fix hgage religb relat relimp mrcurr ordfnum mrn esbrd edhigh1 edsstyp cety01 tchave tchad tcr tcyng ///
>  Socio-eocn
> fmlwop hhsos anengf ancobn gh1 lssupvl pdsad losat lsclubn lstrust lshrvol lsvol lsnwmc lefrd lefnw lefni //
. rename (hgsex `to_fix') q_=

. local newvars: subinstr local to_fix " " " @", all
. local newvars @`newvars'

. reshape long @hgsex `newvars', i(id p_id wave) j(_j) string
(note: j = p_ p_edhi q_ q_edhi)
(note: p_edhihgsex not found)
(note: p_edhihgage not found)
(note: p_edhireligb not found)
(note: p_edhirelat not found)
(note: p_edhirelimp not found)
(note: p_edhimrcurr not found)
(note: p_edhiordfnum not found)
(note: p_edhimrn not found)
(note: p_edhiesbrd not found)
(note: p_edhiedhigh1 not found)
(note: p_edhiedsstyp not found)
(note: p_edhicety01 not found)
(note: p_edhitchave not found)
(note: p_edhitchad not found)
(note: p_edhitcr not found)
(note: p_edhitcyng not found)
(note: p_edhifmlwop not found)
(note: p_edhihhsos not found)
(note: p_edhianengf not found)
(note: p_edhiancobn not found)
(note: p_edhilssupvl not found)
(note: p_edhipdsad not found)
(note: p_edhilosat not found)
(note: p_edhilsclubn not found)
(note: p_edhilstrust not found)
(note: p_edhilshrvol not found)
(note: p_edhilsvol not found)
(note: p_edhilsnwmc not found)
(note: p_edhilefrd not found)
(note: p_edhilefnw not found)
(note: p_edhilefni not found)
(note: q_edhihgsex not found)
(note: q_edhihgage not found)
(note: q_edhireligb not found)
(note: q_edhirelat not found)
(note: q_edhirelimp not found)
(note: q_edhimrcurr not found)
(note: q_edhiordfnum not found)
(note: q_edhimrn not found)
(note: q_edhiesbrd not found)
(note: q_edhiedhigh1 not found)
(note: q_edhiedsstyp not found)
(note: q_edhicety01 not found)
(note: q_edhitchave not found)
(note: q_edhitchad not found)
(note: q_edhitcr not found)
(note: q_edhitcyng not found)
(note: q_edhifmlwop not found)
(note: q_edhihhsos not found)
(note: q_edhianengf not found)
(note: q_edhiancobn not found)
(note: q_edhilssupvl not found)
(note: q_edhipdsad not found)
(note: q_edhilosat not found)
(note: q_edhilsclubn not found)
(note: q_edhilstrust not found)
(note: q_edhilshrvol not found)
(note: q_edhilsvol not found)
(note: q_edhilsnwmc not found)
(note: q_edhilefrd not found)
(note: q_edhilefnw not found)
(note: q_edhilefni not found)

Data                               wide   ->   long
Number of obs.                    87309   ->  349236
Number of variables                 479   ->     448
j variable (4 values)                     ->   _j
xij variables:
    p_hgsex p_edhihgsex ... q_edhihgsex   ->   hgsex
    p_hgage p_edhihgage ... q_edhihgage   ->   hgage
 p_religb p_edhireligb ... q_edhireligb   ->   religb
    p_relat p_edhirelat ... q_edhirelat   ->   relat
 p_relimp p_edhirelimp ... q_edhirelimp   ->   relimp
 p_mrcurr p_edhimrcurr ... q_edhimrcurr   ->   mrcurr
p_ordfnum p_edhiordfnum ... q_edhiordfnum ->   ordfnum
          p_mrn p_edhimrn ... q_edhimrn   ->   mrn
    p_esbrd p_edhiesbrd ... q_edhiesbrd   ->   esbrd
p_edhigh1 p_edhiedhigh1 ... q_edhiedhigh1 ->   edhigh1
p_edsstyp p_edhiedsstyp ... q_edhiedsstyp ->   edsstyp
 p_cety01 p_edhicety01 ... q_edhicety01   ->   cety01
 p_tchave p_edhitchave ... q_edhitchave   ->   tchave
    p_tchad p_edhitchad ... q_edhitchad   ->   tchad
          p_tcr p_edhitcr ... q_edhitcr   ->   tcr
    p_tcyng p_edhitcyng ... q_edhitcyng   ->   tcyng
 p_fmlwop p_edhifmlwop ... q_edhifmlwop   ->   fmlwop
    p_hhsos p_edhihhsos ... q_edhihhsos   ->   hhsos
 p_anengf p_edhianengf ... q_edhianengf   ->   anengf
 p_ancobn p_edhiancobn ... q_edhiancobn   ->   ancobn
          p_gh1 p_edhigh1 ... q_edhigh1   ->   gh1
p_lssupvl p_edhilssupvl ... q_edhilssupvl ->   lssupvl
    p_pdsad p_edhipdsad ... q_edhipdsad   ->   pdsad
    p_losat p_edhilosat ... q_edhilosat   ->   losat
p_lsclubn p_edhilsclubn ... q_edhilsclubn ->   lsclubn
p_lstrust p_edhilstrust ... q_edhilstrust ->   lstrust
p_lshrvol p_edhilshrvol ... q_edhilshrvol ->   lshrvol
    p_lsvol p_edhilsvol ... q_edhilsvol   ->   lsvol
 p_lsnwmc p_edhilsnwmc ... q_edhilsnwmc   ->   lsnwmc
    p_lefrd p_edhilefrd ... q_edhilefrd   ->   lefrd
    p_lefnw p_edhilefnw ... q_edhilefnw   ->   lefnw
    p_lefni p_edhilefni ... q_edhilefni   ->   lefni

. drop _j

. reshape wide `to_fix', i(id p_id wave) j(hgsex)
variable hgsex contains missing values
Help is very much appreciated.

I thought the error may be visible in my code. I'm happy to provide a data example if needed.

Stata v15.1. Note: previously posted in an old post, but decided it did not fit with the subject line of that post.