
I am trying to create a marginsplot for my regression. The regression includes a continuous IV (subsidies in € = Digi_Summe_official) and a DV showing the change of transformation between t-1 (before the subsity) and t (after the subsidy).

reg Delta_factor Digi_Summe_official $Kontrollvariablen_gefoerdert if Digi_Summe_official!=0, robust

The descriptive analysis clearly shows that if subsidies increase, the change (DV) decreases. So the marginsplot should show a decrease when subsidies are increased. However it shows the opposite (attached picture).

I am not sure about the reason. Maybe because the number of observations is very different in my sample (800 observations of firms receiving 10,000 € vs. only 38 observations of firms receiving 20,000-50,000 €)? However, I guess it should still be possible to see the negative trend in a marginsplot when increasing the subsidy. How can I solve the issue that I need to show the negative trend? I tried to split the sample and have an additional marginsplot only for the firms receiving 20-50K but the result is still increasing instead of decreasing.

I would very much appreciate your help!