I have a panel long format dataset that can be found attached containing year and country and for each country I have a trade flow reported from different sources, 5 in total. So for each country I have 5 reported variables. I need to plot them all in one graph. So the graph must show each of the 5 variables for all the countries and for all the years. I already have the single graphs for each country showing all 5 variables. For that I used the following code:
use "$path\exports\_all2.dta", clear drop if 1850 > y drop if y > 1955 label variable expTRADHISTUSD "exports TRADHIST" label variable excow "exports COW" label variable expRICARDOUSD "exports Ricardo" label variable exptena "exports Tena" label variable exptena1913 "exports Tena 1913 borders" replace c = "Ivory Coast" if c == "Cote d'Ivoire" replace c = subinstr(c," ","",.) levelsof c, local(c1) foreach c of local c1 { twoway (line exptena y if c == "`c'") (line exptena1913 y if c == "`c'") (line expTRADHISTUSD y if c == "`c'") (line expRICARDOUSD y if c == "`c'") (line excow y if c == "`c'"), ytitle(, size(vsmall) orientation(rvertical)) ylabel(, labsize(small) angle(horizontal) tlength(zero)) ymtick(, nolabels) xtitle(year) xtitle(, size(small)) xscale(range(1850 1955)) xlabel(#25, labsize(vsmall)) title(`c' Exports (USD), size(small)) legend(size(vsmall)) name(`c') graph export "$path\exports/`c'.png", as(png) name("`c'") replace }
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