Per the request of my publisher, I am going through a set of graphs and specifying text in point sizes. This has worked fine except in one case in which the point specified for xlabels is producing a huge size. Here is the specification I'm using:
xlabel(1 `""1945-" "1950""' 2 `""1951-" "1960""' 3 `""1961-" "1970""'4 `""1971-" "1980""'
5 `""1981-" "1990""' 6 `""1991-" "2000""' 7 `""2001-" "2010""' 8 `""2011-" "2020""',labsize(11pt))
This is the only figure in which I have specified 2-line labels. It works fine if I omit the labsize specification and let it default to the standard size or specify something like *1.5 to increase the size.

Any thoughts regarding what's happening and how to fix it would be appreciated.