Greetings, Statalisters.

I'm hoping this is something someone is willing and able to explain to me, since I've failed at figuring it out on my own. I need to sort estimated means, into descending order, per year. I'm using Gallup World Poll, and the estimated means are of an index, by country per year, and respondent level sampling weights need to be a part of the computation of the means to account for survey design, etc.. Since I suspect sharing a dataex of that would make my question more complicated, the following mockup shows the situation and desired outcome. Please see here:

I start with this dataset:
 clear all
 webuse highschool, clear
 svyset [pweight=sampwgt]

* making a fake year variable      
set seed 12345
generate rannum  = uniform()
sort rannum
generate year = .
lab var year "grad year"
drop rannum
replace year = 2009 in 1/999
replace year = 2010 in 1000/1999
replace year = 2011 in 2000/2999
replace year = 2012 in 3000/4071

* making a fake outcome variable 
set seed 54321
generate rannum  = uniform()
sort rannum
generate happy = .
lab var happy "happiness index"
drop rannum
replace happy = 1 in 1/700
replace happy = 2 in 701/2200
replace happy = 3 in 2201/4071
label define happy 1 "unhappy" 2 "neutral" 3 "happy"
label values happy happy
codebook, compact
I try this first:
*attempt 1 (using svy:mean with subpop for the if statement restricting year)
svy, subpop(if year==2009): mean happy, over(race) coeflegend
Which produces this:
(running mean on estimation sample)

Survey: Mean estimation

Number of strata =       1        Number of obs   =      4,071
Number of PSUs   =   4,071        Population size =  8,000,000
                                  Subpop. no. obs =        999
                                  Subpop. size    =  2,016,463
                                  Design df       =      4,070

             |       Mean  Legend
c.happy@race |
      White  |   2.325196  _b[c.happy@1bn.race]
      Black  |   2.207406  _b[c.happy@2.race]
      Other  |    2.30351  _b[c.happy@3.race]
I try this next:
*attempt 2 (using weights with arithmetic and stock Stata)
sort race year
by race year: gen meanHappy = sum(happy* sampwgt) / sum(sampwgt)
by race year: replace meanHappy=meanHappy[_N]
tabstat meanHappy if year==2009, statistics(mean) by(race) columns(statistics)
Which produces a very similar, although slimmer, output:
Summary for variables: meanHappy
     by categories of: race (1=white, 2=black, 3=other)

  race |      mean
 White |  2.325196
 Black |  2.207406
 Other |  2.303509
 Total |  2.312006

What I need to somehow produce (using this silly demo example):

* a tabulation that sorts these means in descending order
 White |  2.325196
 Other |  2.303509
 Black |  2.207406
Anyone? I realize it looks ridiculous with this demo, but what I have is eleven years of 200 national means that I need to sort from highest to lowest each year. If I could make this demo work, I could make that work too. Thanks in advance for your time.


Editing to add: I also will need to include a measure of precision of the estimates of these means - i.e. standard error of the mean. Haven't looked at that yet, since I'm stuck on this sorting task, but that's next and probably related.