I have been tasked with applying a factor analysis to a large data set in Stata. The purpose is to create two indices, aggregated from the survey respondent level (S007) to the country level (S025). I have SPSS syntax and the output achieved using it. However, when trying to translate the SPSS syntax to Stata, I cannot match the output. Here is the SPSS syntax:
MISSING VALUES E003,E004,a008 a165 e018 e025 f063 f118 f120 g006 y002 (-9 to -1). MISSING VALUES y003 (-5). EXECUTE. WEIGHT by S017. execute. FACTOR /VARIABLES a008 a165 e018 e025 f063 f118 f120 g006 y002 y003 /MISSING PAIRWISE /ANALYSIS a008 a165 e018 e025 f063 f118 f120 g006 y002 y003 /PRINT INITIAL EXTRACTION ROTATION /FORMAT SORT BLANK(.3) /CRITERIA FACTORS(2) ITERATE(25) /EXTRACTION PC /CRITERIA ITERATE(25) /ROTATION VARIMAX /SAVE REG(ALL) /METHOD=CORRELATION. EXECUTE . COMPUTE fac2_1=-fac2_1. EXECUTE. COMPUTE fac1_2= 1.61 * fac1_1- .1 . EXECUTE . COMPUTE fac2_2= 1.81 * fac2_1+ .038 . EXECUTE . MEANS TABLES=fac1_2 fac2_2 BY S025 /CELLS MEAN.
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