I need to know the number of split voters in Denmark - those who did not vote for the same party at the general and the local election.

An example:

A person votes for Socialdemokratiet at the general and the local election = not a split voter
A person votes for Socialdemokratiet at the general election and for Venstre at the local election = split voter

Variable 1: Which party did you vote for at the generel election

(Danish parties below)

1. Socialdemokratiet
2. Det Radikale Venstre
3. Det Konservative Folkeparti
4. SF - Socialistisk Folkeparti
5. Kristendemokraterne
6. Liberal Alliance
7. Dansk Folkeparti
8. Venstre
9. Enhedslisten

Variable 2: Which party did you vote for at the local election

(Danish parties below)

1. Socialdemokratiet
2. Det Radikale Venstre
3. Det Konservative Folkeparti
4. SF - Socialistisk Folkeparti
5. Kristendemokraterne
6. Liberal Alliance
7. Dansk Folkeparti
8. Venstre
9. Enhedslisten

How can this be done in Stata? Should i gen. a new variable to make this possible?

I hope someone can help me out here.. :-)

Best regards
