Dear Nick Cox , I have started using your -floatplot- from SSC program. I really like to use it more extensively. But I wonder about the legend-options behaviour.
This is what I see in your ado (-vertical-option not used):
 legend(order(`legend') row(1) pos(6))
Is there a good reason about this setting?

If I want to tweak the -legend-options I get not reliable results. E.g. if I add
legend(col(1) pos(5))
to the -floatplot- command I get the legend at "row(1) pos(6)" and not my change.

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input byte(jahr finr) double fi_
4 1 2296399
4 2  115000
4 3 1488100
4 4  484899
4 5  459300
4 6  423200
4 7  132200
4 8  595900
3 1 2002099
3 2  108300
3 3 1483100
3 4  406399
3 5  341900
3 6  356699
3 7  136300
3 8  694099
2 1 1743699
2 2   78000
2 3 1252200
2 4  357399
2 5  288700
2 6  303099
2 7  115600
2 8  586099
5 1 2333000
5 2   77500
5 3 1698299
5 4  480500
5 5  417900
5 6  493900
5 7  203800
5 8  729200
6 1 2971799
6 2   60600
6 3 2051000
6 4  549300
6 5  439899
6 6  596700
6 7  153099
6 8  610900
1 1       0
1 2       0
1 3       0
1 4       0
1 5       0
1 6       0
1 7       0
1 8       0
label values jahr jahr
label def jahr 1 "2024", modify
label def jahr 2 "2057", modify
label def jahr 3 "2080", modify
label def jahr 4 "2113", modify
label def jahr 5 "2146", modify
label def jahr 6 "2179", modify
label values finr l_finr
label def l_finr 1 "Ein", modify
label def l_finr 2 "Foz", modify
label def l_finr 3 "So", modify
label def l_finr 4 "Schw", modify
label def l_finr 5 "Fo", modify
label def l_finr 6 "Gra", modify
label def l_finr 7 "Gr", modify
label def l_finr 8 "Ex", modify
My command is based on the second example in the helpfile:
floatplot finr [fw=fi_], centre(3) fcolors(gs6 green orange bluishgray maroon blue yellow purple)  over(jahr) note("% zentriert auf So" "Quelle:", span) name(float_fi, replace) legend(col(1) pos(5)) xtitle("") ytitle("")