Dear All,

I used a fixed effect regression model through the following equations to evaluate the impact of a natural experiment on education in different groups: male and female.

Equation 1 - For male: Educationit = α0 + α1 Treatmentt + α2 Treatmentt*Rural + α3 Xit + Ɛit
xtreg Educationit Treatmentt Treatmentt*Rurali $controls i.ageit [pw=wt] if Gender==1, fe vce (cluster ea)

Equation 2 - For female: Educationit = α0 + α1 Treatmentt + α2 Treatmentt*Rural + α3 Xit + Ɛit
xtreg Educationit Treatmentt Treatmentt*Rurali $controls i.age [pw= wt] if Gender==0, fe vce (cluster ea)

I am interested in testing if the coefficient (α1 + α2) in Equation 1 (male) is statistically different from the coefficient (α1 + α2) in Equation 2 (female).

Do you please have an idea of what command to use to test this in stata? I recall that the "suest" command is not suitable for the "xtreg" command.

Thank you and I look forward to reading you,
