First time poster. Apologies for errors. I'm wondering if there's a way to grab the labels along with the pairwise comparisons table? In the code below, I can get the table easily enough but I can't seem to get the labels with it. Ideally, I'd like the matrix to be labeled the same way the actual output is. I have to repeat this many times, however, so it's not feasible to copy and paste directly from Stata's output window into the .rtf created by esttab.

sysuse auto, clear
foreach var of varlist price mpg rep78 {
     egen `var'dummy = cut(`var'), group(2)
     label def `var'dummy 0 "Below Avg. `var'" 1 "Above Avg. `var'"
     label val `var'dummy `var'dummy
logit pricedummy i.mpgdummy##i.rep78dummy headroom trunk weight
margins mpgdummy##rep78dummy, pwcompare(pv) atmeans post
matselrc r(table_vs) a, r(1 2 4)
mat li a
esttab mat(a, transpose fmt(%9.2f)) using pwdiffs.rtf, replace