
I'm currently doing my dissertation in Economics and chose from a topics list at my university to do mine on macroeconomic interdependence. More Specifically, weather FDI stock causes business cycle synchronization. I measured FDI intensity and business cycle syncronisation and other things among sample of 15 countries for a total of 76 country pairs. I chose to use a system of equations similar to Trade, Finance and Specialization by Imbs (2004) https://www.imf.org/external/np/res/...l/pdf/imbs.pdf.

The systems of equations is

(Business Synchronization) i j = (Trade Intensity)i j + (FDI Intensity)i j + (Structural Dissimilarity) + Z1i j + u i j

(FDI Intensity)i j = (Trade Intensity)i j +(Structural Dissimilarity)i j + Z2i j + u i j

(Trade Intensity) i j = (FDI Intensity)i j + (Structural Dissimilarity)i j +Z3 i j +u ij

(Structual Dissimilarity) i j = (FDI Intensity)i j +(Trade Intensity)i j + Z4 I J +u i j

Where i denotes country I . j denotes country j. Z Denotes exogenous determinants of the dependent variable for that equation

When trying to estimate the model using 3sls with the 3reg command, I noticed I cant pick an instrument for each individual endogenous variable. How can I estimate the system of equations using a different instrument for each endogenous variable?

